1. I can not log in

Please confirm whether you have successfully registered sweethears account, and then confirm your account password is correct, if you still can not log in, please click on the "Forgot Password", such as still can not log in, please contact the webmaster.

2. Forgot your password

If you forget your login password when you log in, please click on the "Forgot Password" option to recover or reset passwords for password.

3. How to Upgrade Membership

You can click on the upgrade membership icon button, then choose what you want to upgrade the membership level upgrade.

4. How to better use the translation feature

sweethears site is a global SNS for international dating sites, where by sweethears translation platform for global communication and unlimited friends! When you have a higher membership privileges, you will be able to enjoy more of the translation privileges.

5. How to report illegal account

When you find some illegal account, you can enter his personal home page, click "Report." Webmaster or contact us, we will make a survey and processed to ensure the safety of the site.

6. How to pay

You can log sweethears clicking recharge, we currently only PayPal, Alipay and other network security payment, all payment methods are absolutely safe. This website absolutely no memory of any automatic or recurring charges of procedure. Have any questions, please contact the webmaster Ask your questions.

7.Recharge unsuccessful

If you are unable to successfully recharge the prepaid page sweethears, first check your credit card if there is a problem, then replace the browser and try again. Sometimes you can also choose to contact PayPal (eg prompted \ "on your credit card can not be used to pay the transaction \" case). After a variety of methods to try if still unable to successfully recharge, please tell us the details, such as what you are using prepaid way, what error message? What kind of browser? In order to help our technical staff to quickly find the cause to help you solve the problem, you will send us a screenshot of the error page as the site administrator.